Summer Institute Application

Summer Institute Application


The Arabic Language Summer Institute is open to all talented students of Arabic. The average student attending will have made a serious, long term commitment to learning Arabic, be prepared to study intensively for ten weeks, and be performing well academically at their home institution. Due to the intensive nature of this program, it will not be possible to take other courses or to work during our program. The Institute will provide you with the opportunity to study with some of the best and most motivated students of Arabic, including Arabic Flagship students from UT and other Arabic Flagship programs.

Application Instructions

A complete application for the Arabic Language Summer Institute will include the following:

  • Summer Institute Application Form
  • Statement of Purpose
  • Instructor Recommendation
  • Transcripts

Final Deadline:  April 15

The priority deadline for the 2012 Arabic Summer Institute is March 1. Applications accepted after the priority deadline will be considered on a space-available basis, and applications will continue to be accepted until all spaces are filled.  Applicants will be notified of their status by May 1.

Post-Application Steps

  • Applicants who meet the priority deadline will be notified of the admission committee’s decision in early April.
  • Qualified applicants from outside UT will be contacted within a couple of weeks of the priority deadline to schedule an oral proficiency interview.
  • Admitted students must submit their decision to accept or decline an offer of admission within three days.